Motic Installs New Fluorescence Semiconductor Microscope

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On Friday 24th February 2023, Motic’s Asia team in conjunction with their distributors Bio-Gene completed the installation of a new Motic PA53MET-FL with a LUMOS unit. The unit was set up inside the cleanroom of the semiconductor fabrication research facility of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at HKU.

This was the first installation of this unit in the Asia Pacific region. The microscope’s fluorescence capabilities will be used to examine the level of quality and any potential contamination in the fabrication process of semiconductor chips designed by university researchers. The process of manufacturing semiconductor chips requires specialized equipment along with know-how, and Motic is proud to be able to contribute to this research and development.

The University of Hong Kong Campus
Kelvin and Bernard (Motic), Yen (Bio-Gene) Suited up inside the semiconductor research facility.
Bernard and Kelvin (Motic) installing the PA53MET-FL with LUMOS inside the clean room facility.
PA53MET-FL with LUMOS microscope with a FITC and TRITC filter cube installed inside the clean room facility.

An etched silicon wafer with 540nm LED illumination on the stage of the PA53MET-FL microscope.
TRITC and FITC images of a silicon wafer sample taken with 20x objective, using a phone camera through the eyepiece. Fluorescence light is used to inspect the quality of the silicon wafer etching and printing, as well as to check for contamination.

Photos and opportunity courtesy of the University of Hong Kong

Related Product

The PA53MET-FL is a customized PA53MET with a fluorescent imaging system specialized for material science. The PA53MET is highly modular and can be upgraded for motorized components. Brightfield, Darkfield, and Polarized Light Optical options also provide different contrast methods for different imaging analysis.

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